Monday, August 9, 2010

One 'H' of a Start

After a weekend spent doing everything except sewing, I finally set to work today. It was tempting to put it off until tomorrow, as I've been fighting a bug and a fever, but it wasn't like I had anything else to do.

I started in the middle, as per usual, with the 'H' in 'Zacchaeus', and it's coming along nicely. When I stitched Alexa's, I did all the cross-stitch first, followed by all of the back stitch. This time, I think I shall back stitch each letter or number as I go, since it's the most tedious, least interesting part of the project for me. I love the details that it brings out, but especially in a project like this, where only one or two colors are used for it, it just starts to drag.

At any rate, my progress thus far:

1 comment:

  1. After the "lock and load" post, I had this image of you cross-stitching with superhuman speed.

    You have very clever post titles.
